Made with HTML
Engaging HTML5 language learning activities for students ages 8-18
An inviting website and companion iPad app for the Ketchikan Visitor’s Bureau.
Live video web-chat Interactive social gaming for MS Messenger.
Flash interactive touch screen kiosk for the The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum in Sanibel, Florida
Kiosk for the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky
Prototype virtual lab for higher education.
Website IA, design and front-end programming for the Smithsonian Global Sound Group.
Wine ordering tablet for Aureole, Las Vegas and New York.
A set of widgets that allow wiki owners to show off their content on blogs or social networking sites.
A standalone kiosk app for T-mobile to launch Hot Spots in the San Francisco airport.
A series of potential user interface designs for this online music player that reflect the strong brand elements of Slacker and their mp3 device.
Online tools to calculate potential savings gained by choosing a Regence HSA plan.
An award-winning website and new branding for this groundbreaking independent radio station.
An online Poem Reader that pulls images from Flickr to create a dynamic visual poem reading.
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